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Why Manufacturers Should Prioritize Workplace Safety and Security

POSTED: 23rd May

Manufacturing remains the backbone of global economies. A facility's safety and security are not just about protection; they directly influence optimal productivity. Every disruption or threat, whether physical or digital, affects processes, personnel and equipment.

Physical intrusions can disrupt production lines and result in theft or damage. Cyberattacks compromise data and proprietary information, leading to potential losses and reputational damage. Unauthorized access, even if unintentional, can leak confidential designs or processes.

For manufacturers, the starting line in their defense strategy is understanding these threats and being proactive about mitigation. A proactive approach to plant safety and security helps prevent potential breaches, saving organizations money on damage control in the long run.

Here are several ways to protect manufacturing plants and their workers from physical and digital threats.

Conduct a Comprehensive Safety and Security Audit

Regular safety and security audits help manufacturers stay ahead of potential vulnerabilities, ensuring they don't become glaring loopholes. These audits, ideally conducted by external experts, provide a clear picture of the facility's current safety status and insights into potential vulnerabilities. Assets and personnel that are most vulnerable or valuable can be identified during such audits, guiding resource allocation for their protection.

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